Learning Disability Nursing Student
Second year
Glasgow Caledonian University
1. What are you looking forward to?
I’m definitely looking forward to seeing the sun! I’ve always enjoyed working with people and love that with this placement we get to do that, but in a pretty much polar opposite environment. The phrase “a life lived for others is a life worth living” kind of sums it up for me, and meeting new people and travelling can only benefit me personally and professionally. I want to take the skills I have and adapt and improve them with this experience!
2. What will you miss most?
Going to be brutally honest and say food! Definitely don’t think I can afford the air fare for my local Chinese to deliver to us in Lilongwe! I’ll definitely miss my family and my cat as well. I won’t be that bothered leaving but I’m sure there will be some tears when I’m there and on my return! I’ll miss my work too – I’ve worked in Costa coffee a couple days a week for 3 years now- they’re practically family!
3. What have you enjoyed most about the planning process so far?
It has forced me to become a more organised student! Something that definitely does not come naturally to me! It’s actually been helpful in terms of team building- every week we get to brainstorm and come up with ideas, sometimes opposing. It’s been good to learn to compromise and encourage each other towards our common goal – to get to Malawi!!
4. What's been the hardest part of the preparation?
Being on placement while trying to organise ourselves! Definitely hindered communication between the group and was an extra stress- but we got through it through sheer determination and we are back on track now!
5. Have you ever lived abroad before?
No – My Dad grew up in the Middle East and I’ve always been jealous of the experience he must have had! When I was 14 he applied for a job out there, and I cried because I’d miss Scotland. I’d jump at the chance to give living abroad a shot now!
6. What made you choose to study LD nursing?
Always enjoyed working with people and only when I started working full time did I explore the different ways I could do that through higher education. I’m keen to stay on past third year and become dually qualified as a learning disability and adult nurse.
7. How do you think this placement will help you to be a better nurse?
It’s interesting to see how cultural differences affect work – and we will be right at the heart of that with our project. It will definitely teach us to work in the most practical way possible with the resources available. I expect to face emotional and physical challenges while I’m there – and any challenge that I am able to surpass can only benefit me in the future.
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